Friday, December 3, 2010

Til We Meet Again...

My beloved brother Kirk was blessed tonight to leave this mortal existence and pass into the arms of so many waiting on the other side.

I am grateful that his suffering is finally over. I am grateful to know that others are rejoicing this moment, as we, left in this mortal existence, grieve our temporary loss. I am so grateful to know that I will see him again someday. I am strangely grateful for this experience and how it has strengthened my testimony to know that indeed God's purposes are so much greater and wiser than my own.

I pray for his children. I was just 16 when I lost my father, so my heart is full of those same feelings of emptiness for their young tender hearts. I pray that they too will see wisdom in the Lord's ways and that this experience will strengthen them in ways that no other experience could.

My thanks to all who have prayed for our family. We are ever grateful for your faith.

Thank you Kirk for your example, your witty sense of humor, your testimony, your cute girlfriends in middle school you named me after, and most of all, just for being my brother.

Til we meet again-- I love you.


AMiller said...

Just like so many years ago, I don't know what to say. I am sorry for your loss and I feel for his wife and children. You have an amazing family.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and The Casey family thanks you for sharing your testimony while on this long, difficult journey. You have strenghtened our love and testimony in our Savior, Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice for us. We love you guys.