Thursday, June 25, 2009


~ I have been benefited by praying for others; for by making an errand to God for them I have gotten something for myself ~
Samuel Rutherford

Do you ever read or watch the news and learn about tragic and life altering events in the lives of total strangers? Do you ever stop and say a prayer for those individuals and their families? I do. All the time. I'm always draw to such stories and feel such compassion for those who are suffering. I'll admit, I sometimes cry-- sometimes, a lot, as I internalize how I would feel if it were my family experiencing such a trial. I'm gonna venture a guess that I'm not the only one who does this. I'm right, aren't I? ;-)

Today, I am soliciting your prayers on behalf of two families whom to most of you, are total strangers. To me, they are family.

My dear sister-in-law Sarah. To her I am indebted, for without her, I may have never met my wonderful husband. She is one of the most cheerful and optimistic people I know. She can make anyone smile and feel loved. A few weeks ago, she underwent a hip replacement surgery, and shortly thereafter, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. She is my brother's eternal companion, and 6 beautiful children, call her Mom.

My sweet little niece, Emily. I only met her 6 months ago, and in minutes she was attached to my leg. She is beautiful, soft-spoken and meek, and looks just like her big sisters when they were little. Yesterday, she was sent to Primary Children's Hospital where they diagnosed an untreatable, E. coli infection that her little body is struggling to fight. She will be 3 next month.

I ask not for you sympathy on their behalf, but your faith--that their families may be strengthened, and Lord willing, that their bodies may be healed.

I have never once regretted the spoken or silent prayers I have offered on behalf of those I didn't know. They will never know I prayed for them, but I know my prayers were heard and answered in the Lord's way. I am also certain that the comfort of the spirit is increased with every voice that drifts upward on their behalf.

Thank you, for the prayers I know will be whispered .


Wendy said...

I will certainly say a prayer for them....thank you for sharing.

Bobbi said...

My mom just told me about both of these after she talked to your mom today. They will both be in our prayers.

AMiller said...

My prayers will include them.

Tiar Hatley said...

Prayer is such a wonderful tool. I know we are blessed as we pray for others. Thank you for giving us this opportunity, Kristen.

The Bryant's said...

Thank you for sharing this, I appreciate the opportunity to pray for others.