Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

Every year this picture gets harder to take--no one will sit still and we are never all looking at the camera. But rain, or shine, home or not, screaming or smiling--the picture will get taken.

Another year almost wrapped--it's been a hard, wonderful, interesting year for our family. I wouldn't give away one single day. We are blessed beyond measure. The kids are in bed awaiting the big day and for me it is melancholy for the sun to set on my favorite day of the year. Every year that goes by I grow more and more fond of Christmas Eve. To me, it is the best day of the year-a culmination of all the excitement and preparation of the entire Christmas season. A day largely without presents and focused more on the sacred birth that happened in a stable so many years ago. How I love my Savior. How increasingly grateful I am for him each year I grow older. Thanks be to God for his most precious gift.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours. We pray you feel the love and blessings of our Savior this beautiful Christmas season.

The Peacock Family

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Yesterday was Colonel Mustard's Graduation! (last one we hope--I don't think any of us have the patience for a doctorate degree--eek!)

 Colonel Mustard and I were married young, had kids young, and kind of did stuff backwards. Would I change it? No, I wouldn't. Why? We have worked hard, together, amid much adversity to be where we are. There have been no handouts, very little help from outside sources and no one to lean on but each other. We are not special. We are not affluent. We have no position of power or influence in our community, family or church. But we have a little family that we love and are trying to raise and provide for--and that is special to us--and worth hard sacrifices.

 Colonel Mustard's wise uncle once told me that we were doing things the right way. We placed our priorities on the things the Lord wanted us to do--he said everything else would come--even if it was hard. I'm certain he doesn't remember, but we had that conversation about 9 years ago. Now I can't speak to whether or not it was the "right way," but it was the way, and the circumstances for us. So yesterday, Colonel Mustard accomplished a goal we have worked and sacrificed dearly for. And while I'm certain the rough going is not over, it was so nice to celebrate the end of One long road for our little family.

It was like pulling teeth to get him to stand here for this picture!

Not our best picture-we look tired and over it--we are!

Colonel Mustard with all his other "Accomplishments."

Can't wait until the actual diploma arrives so we can find a place to hang it and his bachelor's diploma up!

And just had to throw this pic in here of Colonel Mustard going for a walk with "Linus" always dragging her snugglie behind.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ethan's Baptism

Ethan was baptized last Sunday December 8th. Yes, I'm very slow posting because it's been quite busy around here (is it ever not?) and because I forgot my camera and my phone that day. So...I have a few pics that Grandpa took and then I realized we have no pictures with Grandma and Grandpa--like the entire time they were here. (World's worst picture taker???---Me)

Ethan's funny baptism story. Dad forgot to bring an extra white shirt so he was attempting not to get his shirt tails wet. The drain plug is attached to a string and wouldn't open after the baptism. Ethan got to go "diving" in the font a couple of times to get the drain opened . It was kind of funny to watch!

Ethan and Dad.

 The only family picture we got--at home--half undressed--But hey, at least I got A picture!

It was a great day and we are so proud of Ethan and his choice to be baptized.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Deep Thoughts....by Colonel Mustard

"It's here. The long awaited day is finally here!"
(happy dance--that would be me happy dancing. Colonel Mustard would never do a happy dance!!)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Feeling Ungrateful?

I should have posted for Thanksgiving...I guess that makes me ungrateful..I'm not. We had a busy week of getting stuff done and enjoyed a quiet Thanksgiving week at home...just us chickens. And we are grateful. We definitely see a stark contrast in our holiday season from last year to this. Thinking back, I really believed this year would be rainbows and butterflies. I am a very misguided person. But a strangely grateful misguided person. For all the trials we feel we have been through, and all the trials we feel we are currently experiencing, I have one constant--a deep abiding sense that everything will be okay. I don't know when or how, but I said that last year...and the year before..and somehow...it always is--okay.

So this year I'm most thankful for the love of our Heavenly Father and my faith in him. When the day seems long and dark, and the road seems lonely and barren, somewhere deep in my heart, I know he is there. I know he is aware of our little family and our needs. I know if we strive to do what is right, he will be there for us. I see it everyday in the little blessings and tender mercies that have come our way. His end to our trials may not come in ways we ever expected, but it will be okay--and better than we ever thought. (I hope)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ava's Pumpkin pie! Always a triumph when it looks good---and she wants to eat the whole thing!

The kids putting up the Christmas Tree.

Our "picnic" by the fire.

The baby birds want more leftovers! (Poor Colonel Mustard eats many meals this way. Two baby birds begging for bites until there's nothing left for him to eat!)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Deep Thoughts...

For all you friends, acquaintances, and strangers who told me, "The first year with twins is the hardest."
LIAR, LIAR pants on fire!! (And we endured 12 hospital admissions the first year--and you're still WRONG!!)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

13 Years

Today is Colonel Mustard and I's 13th Anniversary--and I guess it's unlucky.

Last week it took him 10 minutes of guessing everyday in November before he got the one that was actually our anniversary. This week...he forgot already.

Happy Anniversary to us- Let's hope next year he remembers who I am!

 (Rubbing it in--cause I can--oh--and I'm sure he wants me to tell you there's a lot on his mind and his brain is fried. **but he only forgot me ;-)

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Yesterday Ethan turned the big 8! Kids seem so, well, old when they turn 8. I guess it's because they get baptized. Yesterday we got in the car and he sat in the seat next to his booster. I asked why he wasn't in his seat and he said, "I'm 8 now. I don't have to sit in that thing anymore!" Well I guess we're down to 3 car seats!

He got to go to a friend's baptism after church today, and I could tell he is getting excited for it to be his turn. ( He will be baptized in December when Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.) I feel like now I have two big boys and no more little ones--but I guess that's how it goes.

We celebrated yesterday and today and Ethan refers to it as his "birthday weekend." it's not good enough to celebrate a day. We should celebrate the whole weekend! So here's a few pics of his "birthday weekend!"

Happy Birthday Ethan. We're so excited for you to be 8! And even more excited to have you as part of our family!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Poster Children

They should be poster children for the local library. 
"It's 8:30pm. What are your children doing?"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Our theme this year was the Roaring 20's. Aren't they just the "bee's knees?!!" I must say, I think it's one of my favorite themes so far. The boys were gangsters and the girls were flappers.






I started on their costumes a couple months ago and had them finished 2 weeks early. Let's see if I can remember to do that every year. It is much less stressful than trying to cram it in at the last minute. 

The girls playing in the pile of loot!
Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Harvest Dinner

Nothing like a dinner full of fall's harvest. Best time of year! So yummy I had to take a picture.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Deep Thoughts...by Ethan

Mom: Ethan, your birthday is coming up. Do you know what you would like?

Ethan: Oh, I don't know.

Mom: There's nothing that comes to mind you'd like to have?

Ethan: No, not really...but I'd just be grateful for anything.

So grateful for selfless, perceptive kids. They have never once complained for what they've done without lately. I am humbled.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

18 Months

This last week the girls turned 18 months. And while it may just be my mind playing tricks on me, I believe this week...they are starting to not look like babies anymore :-( Even though they are tiny, and a little behind for their age, it is definitely becoming apparent that they are toddlers. They are even starting to give us a glimpse of their terrible two's, which believe me, is probably not going to be fun. They are already both experts at throwing themselves on the floor kicking and screaming!

A few fun facts for each of the girls at 18 months.

15 lbs. 7 oz.
 27ish inches.
Wears 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes
Running all around.
Loves music, singing and dancing!
Can be a real cut-up or really reserved.
Is starting to say a few words here and there.
Is a Daddy's girl.

14 lbs. 7 oz.
26ish inches
wears 3-6 month clothes
Started walking last month!
Loves to babble conversations at you--wish I knew what she was trying to say!
Likes to bite....her sister!
Loves to unload and reload the dishwasher and laundry basket.
Is a thrill seeker!

While I wish they could stay babies forever--it is so fun (and exhausting) to have two little toddlers in the house. 

Sadly they were both very sick this last week. But finally today--they seem to be feeling more like themselves.

Their latest venture--yes they are in the trunk of the car. You got a better idea??

Destroyers of all things clean and organized.

This happened in less than a minute. They thought they were funny!

Happy Taco babies after their shower! They love showers!

Their first duet!

Don't know what we'd do without these awesome older brothers and sister!

First time at the mall play place.

And let's not forget to fight! Twins wouldn't be any fun if they didn't fight!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

While you were sleeping...

Dad did this to your toothbrush!

Dad, now would be a wise time to find a new undisclosed location for your toothbrush. Cause I guarantee....someone's gonna be late for the bus in the morning!

Deep Thoughts by Ava

Ava has had a real struggle with her asthma the last couple weeks--sounds horribly sick when her steroids wear off and coughs incessantly. She calls me in her room 15 mins. after I put her in bed and gave her meds.

"Mom I can't stop coughing and I hate it. I feel like I'm having a heart attack."

Mom: chuckling--"Ava how would you even know what a heart attack feels like? You don't even know what a heart attack is."

Ava: "Yes I do...I've had one before--and I hate heart attacks!"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deep Thoughts.....by Andrew

Andrew's assignment from scouts: Type a letter to someone. We forgot until 5 minutes before we had to leave. This was his letter. When I read it and looked at him funny, he said, "I'm being creative!"

Dear Billy,
    Thank you for being my best friend.
Even though you are an imaginary warthog,
I think you could be anyone’s friend.

Goodbye forever.
Sincerely your friend,
Andrew Peacock

p.s. Billy is dead.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Deep Thoughts...

When you walk into a public bathroom, and with much trepidation begin to push open the stall door....there should be some suspenseful horror movie music playing in the background....And then.....you push the stall door open......Oh come on! Who does that to a toilet??!! I mean really...HOW did you even do that to a toilet??!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Growing up at the ball park...

I hope when they grow they will have fond memories of their childhood. Some seem to suggest I should feel guilty about "dragging" them around to the older kids activities. After all, their first outing at two days old was to...the ball field. But I say they are lucky. They spend hours at the park with their family, playing in the dirt and grass, and occasionally... they get to catch a good game.