I then realized just how long it's been since I'd had the pleasure of hearing any of those lectures firsthand. Colonel Mustard has never met my father. (Probably a good thing or we certainly wouldn't be married. If he were alive, I'd probably still be living in his house as a secret cat lady--no boys allowed!) This month it has been 18 years since my father died. And after thinking for a moment-- I realized that I have now lived more of my life without my father than I did with him. ( I had just turned 16 a month before he died) Kind of a profound thought. Not a sad one really--just a moment to reflect on how that event has so shaped my life and to a Great deal--influenced who I am.
The following list is presented just how I had written it when I was 14 years old. I have changed nothing and omitted nothing. Please know that my father was a good man. I love him dearly--however he, like the rest of us, had his rough edges and his faults. If you are easily offended please STOP reading now. If you had the pleasure of knowing my father--I'm certain you have heard at least a few of these and will enjoy a good laugh in hearing them once more.
Without further ado--THE List!
Dad’s Most
Famous Lectures
1 1. Remember who you are.
2 2. It’s your damn friends; that’s your
3 3. What are you eating? Butter or Bread?
4 4. Clean up that pig pen.
5 5. Act like a white woman.
6 6. What? Were you raised in a barn?
7 7. What took you so damn long?
8 8. Get that food out of the living room.
9 9. Leave the damn doors shut.
1 10. Where did you get that lead foot?
1 11. I’ll take that damn car away.
1 12. No marriage until you’re 26 and I
1 13. Stop your damn picking.
1 14. What are you? A dog?
1 15. Get the hell home. I don’t care if it’s
1 16. Do as I say. Not as I do.
1 17. I am always right.
1 18. Get off your butt and do something.
1 19. Get the hell to bed.
2 20. Don’t say I never did anything for
2 21. You think that’s funny or something?
2 22. Do I have to do everything around
2 23. It’s not clean enough.
2 24. Get some damn clothes on.
2 25. Forget that damn homework. It will
2 26. Tie your shoes. You look like a slob.
2 27. I don’t want no damn leftovers.
2 28. Tell your teacher to go to hell.
2 29. Go get your damn money back.
3 30. School sports are a pain in my butt.
3 31. What the hell do you got to have that
3 32. I ain’t got no money.
3 33. What’s your sorry excuse this time?
3 34. When I was a boy….
3 35. You sound like a dime store
3 36. Where’d you get a dumb idea like
3 37. You’re not going to do that again --
So plan on it.
3 38. Where the hell have you been?
3 39. This place looks like a damn
4 40. That damn Mickey Mouse contraption.
4 41. Damn modern America.
4 42. Turn that damn show off.
4 43. Do we have to live off Taco Bell?
4 44. Where’s your mother?
4 45. What the hell’s the matter with you?
It’s 50 degrees out here.
4 46. All I need to know I learned in
4 47. That damn pool is a curse.
4 48. I don’t want to go on no damn
4 49. Why the hell do you have to know
5 50. No hard feelings. Have a nice day.
I think I remember this hanging on your fridge in casper. Good read!! :-) made me think of your dad, he was kinda scary to me as a kid but as an adult these are funny!
Well I have no question where you get your sense of humor from. This seriously made my night!!
That is so funny. I was so scared of your Dad as a kid. But as an adult it has been nice to hear stories about him from your brothers.
I remember clearly the day after you dad passed away. I was so sad for you. And I remember 1 year later when I went with you to the cemetary.
Your Dad raised some amazing people.
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