Monday, November 1, 2010

The Vikings

I've been remiss in in keeping up on my blog, but it's not really my fault. My computer crashed--piece of junk. I'm borrowing an even bigger piece of junk from work until I can get a new one. I finally got tired of not updating my blog and pictures, so I stole Colonel Mustard's laptop and downloaded on it-- I'll ask forgiveness later--he won't be happy.

So getting to the point- the day after. Here are the kids in their Halloween get-ups. I am rather fond of them, but then again, I spent many hours making these costumes, so I am a little attached. (You know, like I'm attached to the kids- funny how that happens when you put a lot of time and energy into things and little people).

The Vikings (and their viking princess)--from the North Country
 Aren't they scary?!! ( and a few more shots to follow cause their Momma thinks they're so cute!)
The Pumpkin carving festivities.
Andrew carved his own pumpkin this year-despite his mishap with the can last week. (sliced his finger in half) Ethan helped too and I was less nervous with a knife in his hand, than in his brother's!

Ava lovin' the pumpkin seeds.
 The Loot.
We had a lot of fun sorting and seeing what candy was most popular this year. Reese's won! We also had some really great neighbors that had a special "treat" for Ava since she can't eat 99% of what they collected.  So fun-- I love Halloween!

1 comment:

AMiller said...

GREAT costumes. I am such a lazy mom sometimes. I was throwing costumes together the morning of.