Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Homemade Powerade

That's what Byron calls it anyway.

Got milk?!?!


AMiller said...

What do you do with all of that? I have heard of people selling it or donating it to mother's who can't nurse. I made so much with Matthew that I forever felt like bursting, but now I barely make enough. I must be getting too old or something.

Jazz and Rod said...

I still think we need to play a trick on Rod and have you make some dessert and tell him what the "special ingredient" is!! hahahah!!!

Kristin said...

What do I do will all of it? It's confidential. I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you!

Anonymous said...

Did that come from your boobs?

Anonymous said...

White Powerade, mmmmmm!